Barry Teghtmeyer
Painting & Drawing
I am an art educator. I taught for over 30 years in public schools, and currently am honored to be on staff at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City. As an educator, it has always been a goal of mine to show others the importance of creating. Not only does it serve as a personal outlet, but also allows the artist to have success in problem solving. One of the joys of teaching is seeing how my students improve their skills over time and begin to have a passion for art and utilizing watercolor as a medium.
During Covid, I began recording myself doing art, and created instructional videos in iMovie. Video production became a second art form where I could express myself. It allowed me to reach a broader audience with my art, and I was able to utilize them in online classes, which were a necessity at the time. I developed a YouTube channel, and as a result, produced several tutorials that are housed on the Museum's website, and Mid-Continent Public Library's YouTube Channel.
For me personally, I see creating art as an expression of the things that I see on an everyday basis. I enjoy observing details, and specifically the way that values change through filtered or direct light. Shadows and textures are a joy to paint and allow others a glimpse into the world that I am seeing inside my head. In many cases, it might be the bricks, the windows, the electric wires, and the formations the leaves created in the trees. In looking at my work, watercolor and pen and ink play a key role. One of the many reasons I enjoy painting with watercolor is how it can be utilized in variety of ways. I also enjoy the way watercolor has a mind of its own. You must create a balance between what you are painting, and how the watercolor will express it. In my landscapes, the wet into wet technique is one I use frequently. Especially in the skies. Allowing the paint to granulate, and blend together, and allowing the accidents to occur as the colors interact with the paper.
Awards and Accolades
Longview Art and Music Festival
Summit Art Gallery
Gladstone Community Center Gallery
Lakewood Community Center Gallery
Blue Springs Art League Fine Arts Show - First place water media